欧罗夫·佩森(Olof Persson)作为沃尔沃集团总裁兼首席执行官首访中国的媒体见面会相当简短,除了不到15min的公司介绍,他留给媒体的提问时间只有25min。在中国大获成功的建筑设备业务依然是关注重点,商用车方面少有涉及。不过,沃尔沃要想真正赢在中国,商用车业务是一个绕不开的话题。
Olof Persson,cEO and president of VOLVO held a simple and brief media conference in shanghai.During the interview,the toppriority is still business of construction machinery which had enabled VOLVO to have gained much achievement in china,while the commercial vehicles sector was not so much mentioned.However,the commercial vehicles sector is always an unavoidable factor for VOLVO's true winning in china market.
Commercial Vehicle