
试析奥巴马政府亚太战略 被引量:1

A Brief Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Asia-Pacific Strategy
摘要 奥巴马政府调整美国亚太战略,将美国全球战略和军事战略的重点转向东亚地区。其主要特点:一是高调宣示"重返亚洲";二是通过加强与盟友关系和建立加入多边组织以强化美国在亚太地区的领导地位;三是加强美国在东亚和西太平洋地区的军事存在;四是争取区域经济合作的主导权;五是在地缘战略上以南海问题形成联盟。奥巴马政府亚太战略将受到经济上力不从心、以军事力量为主要手段支撑其亚太领导地位作用有限等因素的制约。但奥巴马政府调整美国亚太战略将使东亚地区特别是南海地区形势更加复杂化。 By making readjustments to its Asia-Pacific strategy, the Obama administration has shifted the focus of its global and military strategies to the East Asia region. Those readjustments are featured in the following aspects: (1) to make known in high profile its decision to 'return to the Asia- Pacific'; (2) to consolidate its leading position in the region by maintaining its relations with its allies and entering into and forming multiple organizations; (3) to make its military presence felt in East Asia and Western Pacific; (4) to seek for a leading position in regional economic cooperation; (5) to try to form a geostrategic alignment with regard to the South China Sea issue. However, the Obama administration does have felt constrained in implementing its Asia-Pacific strategy because it has been in dire financial straits and found that utility of its military power as a means to prop up its leading position in the Asia-Pacific region has limitations. But the U.S. readjustments of its strategy in the region will only make worse the situation of that region and that of the South China Sea in particular.
作者 夏立平
出处 《和平与发展》 2012年第2期9-14,77-80,共10页 Peace and Development
基金 作者主持的教育部人文社科重点基地重大项目“美国太空战略及其对中国国家安全的影响”(项目批准号:2009JJD810003)的中期成果之一 同济大学国家985工程哲学社会科学创新基地课题“全球变化与中国国家利益研究”项目的资助
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  • 2U.S.State Secretary Hillary Clinton,The Pacific Century of the United States,Foreign Policy,U.S.,November2011,p.6.
  • 3U.S.State Secretary Hillary Clinton,The Pacific Century of the United States,Foreign Policy,U.S.,November2011,p.8.
  • 4Opening Remarks by State Secretary Hillary Clinton before the House Foreign Affairs Committee,“Assessing US Foreign Policy Priorities Amidst Economic Challenges:The Foreign Relations Budget for Fiscal Year2013”,Washington,DC,February29,2012,http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2012/02/184906.htm.
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