

摘要 13-14世纪前后,欧洲社会普遍面临的一个重要的社会现实,便是近代城市的兴起。这些自诞生起就把自我置身于欧洲大陆-地中海经济网络之中的商业中心们,开始了他们对中世纪伊始就自给自足的、以庄园经济为代表的封建经济体系的冲击。随之而来的,便是人口的经济结构、文化结构,进而是政治领域、精神文化素养的彻底改变。处在中世纪尾声阶段的罗马天主教会及其教会文学理论,也便在近代的前夜这一时间段里,绽放出走向终结前最为璀璨的花朵。由于新旧两种经济因素在这个时间段内交叠,教会文学作为当时欧洲文学界的主要代表,自然而然便既要传承封建神学的世界观,也不得不同时蕴涵着新时代人文主义的光辉。以托马斯·阿奎那为代表的天主教经院哲学便提倡用理性思维阐释神学。在这个过程中用神学教义阐释文学理论也便是赋予文学美学合理性、合法性的唯一道路。他强调文学的形式论本质上是对认知三位一体教义,尤其是认知上帝的形式--"圣子"的一个组成部分。 Around the 13-14 century,a crucial social reality which European society faced was the rise of modern cities. Those commercial centers which took themselves into Europe continental-Mediterranean economic network since its birth had started the impact of the feudal economy system that was self-sufficiency in the beginning of the Middle Ages and looked manor economy as a represent. Attendantly,it came to a thorough change of the economic structure and culture structure of the population,and thus the political field, the spirit of culture literacy. Roman Catholic Church standing in the end stage of the middle Ages and its church literacy theory summed up the most important results before coming to an end in the last evening of the modern period. Both the old and the new economic factors overlapped in this period,church literature as the main representative of the European literature naturally should not only viewed of the world heritage of feudal theology but also had to at the same time implied a new era of humanism's glorious. Thomas Aquinas Catholic scholasticism would explain theology to promote rational thinking. In this process,using the theological doctrine of interpretation of literacy is the only road to give the literacy aesthetic rationality and legality. Thomas stressed that the form of literature should be on the nature of cognitive doctrine of the Holy Trinity,in Particular,is an integral part of cognition of the Holy Son--the form of God.
作者 罗锐
出处 《大观周刊》 2012年第3期5-8,共4页
关键词 完整 比例 鲜亮 本质与形式同一 神人联结 integrity proportion brightness the unify of essence and form bind of God and man
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  • 5意大利.圣·托马斯·阿奎那;周克勤.神学大全[M]中华道明会(即多明我修会台湾教省)、闻道出版社、台湾碧岳学社联合出版,20081.








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