Around the 13-14 century,a crucial social reality which European society faced was the rise of modern cities. Those commercial centers which took themselves into Europe continental-Mediterranean economic network since its birth had started the impact of the feudal economy system that was self-sufficiency in the beginning of the Middle Ages and looked manor economy as a represent. Attendantly,it came to a thorough change of the economic structure and culture structure of the population,and thus the political field, the spirit of culture literacy.
Roman Catholic Church standing in the end stage of the middle Ages and its church literacy theory summed up the most important results before coming to an end in the last evening of the modern period.
Both the old and the new economic factors overlapped in this period,church literature as the main representative of the European literature naturally should not only viewed of the world heritage of feudal theology but also had to at the same time implied a new era of humanism's glorious.
Thomas Aquinas Catholic scholasticism would explain theology to promote rational thinking. In this process,using the theological doctrine of interpretation of literacy is the only road to give the literacy aesthetic rationality and legality. Thomas stressed that the form of literature should be on the nature of cognitive doctrine of the Holy Trinity,in Particular,is an integral part of cognition of the Holy Son--the form of God.
the unify of essence and form
bind of God and man