

Finite Time Ruin Probability with Risky Investment and Large Claims
摘要 考察了带风险投资的更新风险模型的有限时间破产概率。在索赔额分布属于L∩D族的场合下,该模型分析了大额个体索赔情形下保险公司破产概率的渐近行为,并得到了有限时间破产概率的渐近表达式。 The finite time ruin probability of renewal risk model with risky investment and large claims were considered.In this model,when the claim size distribution belonged to L∩D,the asymptotic behavior of insurance company's ruin probability under large individual claims is analyzed and obtained the asymptotic formula of finite time ruin probability.
作者 吴贤君
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2012年第12期2907-2911,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 更新风险模型 L∩D族 有限时间破产概率 渐近表达式 renewal risk model class L∩D finite time ruin probability asymptotic formula
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