目的 探讨体表肿块CT应用价值。材料与方法 对 16例体表肿块作CT扫描 ,其中头颈部 5例 ,胸背部 4例 ,腹部 4例 ,臀部 3例。全部病例均经临床或手术病理证实。结果 CT诊断外伤性血肿、挫伤、疤痕 4例 ,结核及感染 3例 ,良性肿瘤 3例 ,恶性肿瘤 2例 ,肌肥厚 2例 ,颈肋、肺尖疝各 1例。病理诊断符合率 87.5 % ( 14 / 16)。结论 CT能明确判断体表肿块的解剖部位及大小 ,并能结合影像学特点及密度值作出定性诊断 ,结合临床资料可作部分病因诊断。
Objective To evaluate the applicable value of CT in detection of body surface mass.Materials and Methods CT scanning was performed in 16 patients with body surface mass, which was involved in head and neck (n=5), thoracic back (n=4), abdomen (n=4), buttock (n=3). All of cases was proved by histopathology.Results It was diagnosed by CT for traumatic hematoma, contusion and scar (n=4), tuberculosis and inflammation (n=3), benign tumor (n=3), malignant tumor (n=2), thickening muscle (n=2), cervical rib (n=1) and herniation of apex of lung (n=1). In contrast to histopathology, accurate rate of CT diagnosis was 87.5% (14/16).Conclusion On CT scans, the anatomic location and size of body surface mass can be accurately defined, and characteristic diagnosis be made according to imaging features and density of the mass as well as the partial cause be identified in combination with clinical materials.
Journal of Clinical Radiology