
空间二叉树在外形不规则颗粒三维建模中的应用 被引量:2

Application of binary tree to the 3D modeling of irregular particle
摘要 基于一种用球体单元填充颗粒内部空间建立模型的方法,其球体单元的形成依据颗粒表面和内部节点信息.在计算颗粒表面和内部网格节点之间最短距离时,把二叉树优化算法引入到了用VC++编写的程序中.同时利用该算法实现了某一真实颗粒的三维建模,通过对比原有算法的计算效率,该算法能够在保证颗粒建模精度的前提下,提高计算效率约70倍,可以在很大程度上节约颗粒模型特别是大规模颗粒模型生成的时间. Particle is modeled by means of filling granular inner space with basic sphere clump, based on the surface and inner information. A binary tree optimization algorithm program was developed for auto- modeling using Visual C++to calculate the minimum distance between the inner nodes and surface nodes. Besides, this paper applied the binary tree optimization algorithm to modeling a real granula, and improved the efficiency of the modeling about seventy times compared to the original algorithm, which proves that the binary tree algorithm can save time of the large-scale calculation of particles greatly and has no influence on the precision of the modeling.
作者 龙浩
出处 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期208-211,共4页 Engineering Journal of Wuhan University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51178358) 湖北省自然科学基金重点项目(编号:2010CDA057)
关键词 空间二叉树算法 外形不规则颗粒 三维建模 最短距离 binary tree algorithm irregular particle 3D modeling minimum distance
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