
云南吉贝种质资源调查及果实性状的相关分析 被引量:8

Correlation analysis of germplasm resources and fruit characters in Ceiba pentandra in Yunnan
摘要 为了了解吉贝在云南的分布情况及不同种源间种质的差异情况,采用实地调查法,对云南吉贝生境及吉贝的果实性状进行了调查与观测,并对调查统计的数据进行了方差分析、相关分析和聚类分析。结果表明:吉贝除在昆明、昭通市无分布外,而在云南的其余州市都有分布,尤以保山市、红河州分布的居多;因果实不爆裂而影响种子发芽率,自然繁衍能力差,环境污染越重,病虫害也较重;果实长度、单果质量的差异较大,其变异系数分别达12.73%和25.26%,同一单株上果实的质量和长度的差异也大;单果质量、种子个数、芯质量的变异系数均较高;果实长度与果形指数、单果干质量、壳质量、棉干质量、种子个数、芯干质量呈极显著正相关;出棉率与果实干质量、棉干质量、芯干质量呈极显著正相关;随着海拔的升高,其果实长度、质量、含水量均降低,出棉率也下降。分析结果还表明:吉贝的果实长度、种子个数、芯的大小是其选育的重要指标,果实长度长、种子个数少、芯小的种源其出棉率高;吉贝生产中还应注意环境污染问题。 In order to learn situation of distribution and difference of germplasm among provenances, habitat and fruit characters in Ceiba pentandra were investigated and observed by field survey in Yunan, and the data were analyzed by variance analysis, correlation analysis and cluster analysis methods. The results showed that C. pentandra distributed in most cities of Yunnan, except Kunming and Zhaotong, and mostly in Baoshan and Honghe. Low seed germination rate attributed to no bursting of fruit. It had poor natural reproduction ability. Heavier environmental pollution, and more pests and diseases. Variations of fruit length and fruit mass were higher, variation coefficients were 12.73% and 25.26%,respectively, and them also were higher in one plant. The variation coefficients of fruit mass, seed number and core mass were higher. Fruit length had very significant positive correlation with fruit shape index, dry fruit mass, shell mass, dry cotton mass, seed number and dry core mass. Cotton rate had very significant positive correlation with dry fruit mass, dry cotton mass and dry core mass. Fruit length, mass, water content and cotton rate were decreased with elevation increasing. The varieties with longer fruit length, less seed number, and smaller core had higher cotton rate, which were important breeding indicators. Environmental pollution should be prevented, in C. pentandra production.
出处 《经济林研究》 北大核心 2012年第1期88-94,共7页 Non-wood Forest Research
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项(2011104034) 林业科学技术推广项目(〔2011〕35号) 云南高校干热河谷植被恢复科技创新团队建设项目
关键词 吉贝 种质资源 果实性状 相关分析 Ceibapentandra germplasm resource fruit characters correlation analysis
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