正确合理地界定教育实验成败对于教育实验在理论和实践上具有重大意义,有必要对这一问题进行深入探讨。一、几种不同评价标准目前,关于教育实验成败评价的观点主要有以下三种: 第一种观点认为,在实验遵循实验要求的前提下,以实验是否达到实验目标作为教育实验成败的界定标准。持该观点的学者指出:“如果一项实验遵循实验要求,实验结果达到了实验目标,那么假设被证实,本项实验成功。如果一项实验遵循实验要求。
The article deals with the identity and difference between experimental aim and experimental effect and puts forward such a viewpoint:the standard of success or failuse of an experiment should depend on whether or not the experiment achieves its experiment aim. If the experiment aims at exploring educational laws,achieving this aim can be regarded as success regardless of experimental effect. If the experiment aims at improving educational quality, achieving this pre-set effect can be regarded as success regardless of wether or not controlling experimental variables. This standand is clear and easy to operate.
Educational Research and Experiment