objective : To access the application value of TTE and TEE in device closurce of ventfic- ular septal defects. Methods: From August 2009 to June 2011, A total of 29 patients diagnosised with VSD (17 males and 12 females)underwent TIE preoperative assessment in the cardial surgical depart- ment in our hospital. 21 cases with Perimembranous VSD, other 8 cases with intracristal type VSD. The defect diameter ranges from 3mm to 9ram, the average value is 5.35 _+ 3.12mm. Used TIE to access defect size and distance from the aortic valve in preoperative. Introduce domestic ventricular septal de- fect occluder through right ventricular free wall under the guidance of TEE. Immediate evaluate postop- erative effect with TEE,TIE was used to follow - up study in the prior to dischargr and three months after. Results:The procedures were successful in 25 cases. Equilateral occluders were used in 18 ca- ses, eccentric occluders in 7 cases. There was no signal of shunt observed by immediate postoperative TEE in the 25 cases,2 patients had mild tricuspid regurgitation after operations. Two cases of perimem- branous type of defect with multiple crevasse can not be occludered. Two cases within the intracristal type defect occluder failure, immediate intraoperative thoracotomy neoplasty. Conclusions: rl^E and TEE has an important value in the preoperative acessment, intraoperative monitoring and postoperative evaluation in minimally invasive perventrieular.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Neimongol