校本文基于ADI公司BF561的嵌入式处理器,以OV7660 CMOS图像传感器为视频图像输入源,以uClinux为操作系统,采用先进的JPEG2000图像压缩算法,设计了一种视频图像采集系统的实现方案,实现了视频图像的采集,处理及传输。测试结果表明,在上位机端可以看到比较清晰的图像。
This Article design a video image acquisition system implementations which is based on ADI Corporation Blaekfin561BSP , using 0V7660 CMOS image sensor for the video input source and advanced JPEG2000 image compression algorithm under the operate system of the uClinux. It achieves a video image acquisition, processing and transmission. Test results show that the PC side you can see clearer images.
Software Engineer