目的 为了寻找理想的血管栓塞方法,提高肝血管瘤介入治疗的疗效,减少并发症。方法 于1994 年12 月~1998 年6 月,用平阳霉素+ 碘化油栓塞治疗肝血管瘤25 例,同时设立22 例鱼肝油酸钠+ 碘化油栓塞的对照组,随访6~48 个月。结果 平阳霉素+ 碘化油组与鱼肝油酸钠+ 碘化油组均具有强大的末梢血管硬化作用,使肝血管瘤缩小,纤维化,瘤体内血流信号减弱;平阳霉素+ 碘化油组患者术后反应轻,并发症少,优于对照组。结论 分析了平阳霉素+ 碘化油栓塞的机理和特点,认为平阳霉素+ 碘化油治疗肝血管瘤是一种较理想的肝血管瘤栓塞方法。
Objective In order to improve the efficiency and to reduce the complication of interventional treatment in liver hemangioma. We looked for the new way of artery embolization.Methods 57 cases were randomly divided into two groups from December 1994 to June 1998. 1 group: 25 cases were treated with PYM and Lipido Morrhuate Sodium, 2 group: 22 cases were performed with SM and lipido Morrhuate Sodium. All patients were followed up for 6 to 48 months.Results The results showed that the two methods can strongly induce arterial sclerosis and fibrosis reducing the mass of liver hemangioma and weakened the sing al of blood inside but the group with SM and lipido Mouruate presenting less reactions and fewer complications.Conclusion Our results suggested that the method of treating with PYM and lipido Morrhuate Sodium is more efficiency.
Journal of Interventional Radiology
Liver hemangioma/therapy Embolization Therapeutic methods