
混合稀土铁石榴石(HoYbBi)_3Fe_5O_12单晶磁光性能的研究 被引量:1

Studies on magneto-optical properties of (HoYbBi)_3Fe_5O_12 bulk single crystal
摘要 为了改善用于光隔离器中的掺铋稀土铁石榴石的法拉第旋转温度稳定性 ,采用高温溶液法 ,以Bi2 O3 /B2 O3 为助熔剂生长掺铋混合稀土铁石榴石 ( Ho Yb Bi) 3 Fe5O1 2 (简称 :Ho Yb Bi IG)单晶 .在近红外波段测量了晶体的法拉第旋转谱和光吸收损耗谱 .当 λ=1 .5 5 μm时 ,Ho Yb Bi IG单晶的比法拉第旋转角θF 和磁光优值分别为 :- 767.0 deg/cm和 4 5 deg/d B;在 1 0~ 1 1 0℃温度范围内测得 Ho Yb Bi IG单晶的法拉第旋转温度系数 ( FTC)为 1 .8%,在目前所知磁光晶体中属最小 .研究结果还表明 ,将两种法拉第旋转温度系数符号相反的石榴石型材料进行复合 。 To improve temperature dependence of the isolation value of magneto\|optical Bi\|substituted garnet for use in an optical isolator, single crystal of Bi\|substituted mixed rare\|earth iron garnets of (HoYbBi)\-3Fe\-5O\-\{12\} has been grown by an improved flux method, in which Bi\-2O\-3 is used as the main flux. Faraday rotation and optical absorption are measured in the near\|infrared region at room temperature. The specific Faraday rotation of -767.0 deg/cm and the magneto\|optical figure of merit of 45 deg/dB at 1.55 μm wavelength have been achieved. The temperature dependence of Faraday rotation is also measured, the Faraday rotation temperature coefficient (FTC) is 1.8% at 1.55 μm wavelength in the 10~110℃ temperature range。To our knowledge, this is the smallest than other rare\|earth iron garnets. From the viewpoint of material designing, the temperature dependence of Faraday rotation for Bi\|substituted garnets is improved by employing a solidsolution with some rare\|earth iron garnet which have opposite temperature coefficients of Faraday rotation at room temperature.
作者 黄敏 张守业
出处 《浙江大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 2000年第1期35-39,共5页
基金 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目! (6980 55)
关键词 法拉第旋转 磁光性能 单晶生长 稀土铁石榴石 garnet faraday rotation magneto\|optical properties
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