都江堰和青城山联报“世界文化和自然遗产”(“双遗产”)的工作开展以来,引起了社会各界的极大关注,人们为灿烂的中华文明、为都江堰赢得世界人民的赞誉感到自豪与高兴。 与此同时,人们对于由此而带来的新情况、新问题也进行着思考,许多问题需要重新研究、明确、注意协调和妥善处理,方能在今后对都江堰继续进行科学的管理与使之持续地发展。 一、对都江堰的定位 都江堰具有2256年的悠久历史。都江堰市旁岷江河床中的都江堰渠首工程,积淀着历代“治水兴蜀”的文化;
Dujiangyan Project is a well-known irrigation project constructed in ancient time but still in use at present. It's rational general layout and design indicates the harmony and integration between human being and nature. It is one of reasons why Dujiangyan is still irrigating farmlands. More important reason is that Dujiangyan had been scientifically protected and developed by every dynasty. The paper considers that separated management method should be adopted for managing natural landscapes, temple, and water project during the protection of Dujiangyan Area to make longevity of Dujiangyan.
China Water Resources