采用粒径≤90μm 活性炭吸附富集天然水中痕量钒,并用二苯偶氮羰酰肼分光光度法测定。研究了钒在活性炭上的吸附行为和解吸条件。采用在pH3~4.5 的条件下吸附,1 m ol/LNaOH 溶液洗脱,本法富集倍数达100 倍,样品中钒的检出下限为3.9×10- 9g/L ,标准加入回收率为88% ~103% ,相对标准偏差小于10% 。方法已用于自来水,漓江水等环境水样中痕量钒测定。
An enrichment method for trace vanadium in natural water with 90 μm activated carbon and its spectrophotometric determination by diphenylcarbazone was presented.The absorption and desorption behavior of vanadium on activated carbon was studied.Trace vanadium in water is absorbed on activated carbon at pH 3~4.5,then eluted with 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide.The reaction of vanadium with diphenylcarbazone results in a red complex which was determined by spectrophotometry.An enrichment factor as high as 100 was obtained.The determination limit of trace vanadium is 3.9×10 -9 g/L.The method has been applied to the determination of trace vanadium in water with the recovery of 88%~103%.The relative standard deviation was lower than 10%( n =5)
Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory