
包层钢筋轧制过程模拟的接触复合处理及实验研究 被引量:4

Processing for contact bonding in simulation of rolling bimetallic cladding bar and experiment
摘要 为了研究双金属包层钢筋轧制模拟过程中两种金属的接触复合状态,在MSC.Marc二次开发功能的基础上,提出了一种新的处理方法。通过编写子程序,分析接触面上节点的接触法向应力值是否超过该材料的变形抗力来判定两金属的接触复合状态。并与其它3种常用方法(接触面粘结、接触面共节点、直接接触)的模拟结果进行对比以及实验验证。结果显示:采用本文处理方法,轧制变形区上大部分节点的接触法向应力值超过了不锈钢的变形抗力,这些节点会与接触面发生粘结,并且在轧制过程中金属间能够产生轴向和周向的相对滑动,接触单元不会产生撕扯,模拟结果与实验结果较吻合,证明在包层钢筋轧制模拟过程中,金属间的复合状态可以通过节点的接触法向应力来判断。 A new method is proposed based on the secondary development of MSC. Marc in order to study the reasonable bonding state of two metals in FEM simulation of cladding bar rolling. A subroutine is compiled for analyzing the normal contact stress of nodes in the interface. By comparing the result of simulation and experiment with other three methods (adhering, sharing nodes and contact directly without treatment), it is shown that by subroutine controlling, the normal contact stresses of the most nodes in the deformation zone exceed the deformation resistance of stainless steel. Therefore, these nodes will bond with the contact surface. There is not tensile between the contact elements which have axial and circumferential slipping. The simulation result of subroutine coincide perfectly with that of experiment. All results indicate that the contact bonding problem can be controlled by the normal contact stresses of nodes in simulation of cladding bar rolling.
出处 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2012年第2期103-107,118,共6页 Journal of Yanshan University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51075353) 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E2009000397 E2010001208)
关键词 包层钢筋 轧制 有限元模拟 复合判断 cladding bar rolling FE simulation bonding judgment
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