
高功率微波武器与天线(一) 被引量:6

High Power Microwave Weapon and Antenna
摘要 自1973年前苏联用相对论返波管产生10 ns 400 MW的脉冲输出到2003年美国高功率电磁脉冲炸弹首次用于伊拉克战争,高功率微波武器的发展已近半个世纪,微波武器的概念目前尚未被大众所知。首先简要综述了高功率微波系统的组成、基本概念,以及高功率微波的发展历史、世界各国研究现状和高功率微波的基本效应、威力、对抗高功率微波的措施、研究中的安全防护、研究高功率微波的仪器、仪表、设备、方法及手段;最后分析了目前的水平和困难、高功率微波能量传输的极限及高功率微波武器的安全问题。 Even though it took about a half century that the high power microwave weapon (HPMW) hadbeen developed during the period from the pulse output of 400 MW in 10 ns made out by the former Sovi- et Union with the carcinotron (BWO) in 1973 to the year of 2003 that USA army dropped EMP bombs in Iraq war, the concept of HPMW is still not be known by the public yet. The followings are briefly summa- rized, such as constitute of the high power microwave system, its basic concept, development history of the high power microwave, present research situation of various countries in the world, primary research organization, key techniques, basic effects, power of the high power microwave, measures for resisting the high power microwave, safety and protection for research, the instruments, meters and facilities, methods and artifices, current level and difficulties in research, limit in energy transmission of the high power microwave, problems of the security of high power microwave weapon and so on.
出处 《中国电子科学研究院学报》 2012年第2期152-157,共6页 Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
关键词 高功率微波 电磁炸弹 天线 high power microwave EMP Bomb antenna
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