
以云计算为后台的负载均衡技术 被引量:12

Load balanced technology incorporated with cloud computing service
摘要 通过理论与实验,提出利用云计算为后台的负载扩展技术架构,旨在解决企业或单位IT系统的负载问题。采用该架构的本地信息系统在负载波动或有特殊的资源需要时利用云计算超级处理、存储能力及按需分配的服务模式,把超出本地负载需要的处理和存储要求交由云计算平台处理,通过均衡负载算法,均衡本地负载能力,满足企业或单位业务变动对信息化的变化要求。实验表明该技术方案是可行的,并具有较高的实用价值。 This paper proposes a practical architecture for enterprise systems to incorporate cloud computing services with local servers,so as to meet the increasing demands of IT resources from their customers in an economic way.In order to optimize the performance of the systems,a randomized load-balancing scheme is developed using a simplified mathematical model.We also present a prototypes system based on this architecture,which demonstrates the benefits of our architecture in some perspective.
作者 郑贵德 陈明
出处 《现代电子技术》 2012年第9期77-80,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 云计算 负载均衡 负载扩展 概率分布或中心服务器 cloud computation load balance technology load expansion probability distribution central server
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