
《荒原》中陌生化手法之透视 被引量:1

Perspective of Defamiliaring Methods in The Waste Land
摘要 陌生化手段的运用增加了诗歌《荒原》的美感,同时也增加了读者理解该诗歌的难度。艾略特在《荒原》中主要采用了两种陌生化手段,一是寓其意于神话故事,二是寓其意于宗教故事。艾略特借助神话故事和宗教故事中描述的世界生动描述了一战后濒临崩溃的荒原式的西方文明,表达了他对西方现代文明发展的忧虑。探究诗人在《荒原》中引用神话故事和宗教故事的真意,可以突破陌生化手法给该诗歌设置的理解障碍,让读者在欣赏该诗歌形式美的同时准确把握该诗歌的真实内涵。 As well as increasing the formal beauty of The Waste Land, the defamiliarizing methods used inthis poem increases the difficulty of un employs two methods of defamiliarizing ligious stories. By means of describing derstanding it. The author of The Waste Land, T. S. Eliot mainly : hiding his purpose in mythological stories and his intension in re- in great detail the world portrayed in the cited mythological and re-ligious stories, T. S. Eliot gives a vivid picture of the western civilization which is on the verge of collapse after World War One, and expresses his anxiety for the development of civilization in modern western world. Exploring the reasons why T. S. Eliot cites those mythological and religious stories can help read-ers better appreciate the formal beauty of this poem created by the two defamilizing methods as well as help readers to overcome the reading difficulties caused by them.
作者 汤金霞
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第2期72-75,共4页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 荒原 陌生化 神话故事 宗教故事 The Waste Land Defamiliarizating methods Mythological stories Religious stories
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