目的 :监测军队人群流感病毒抗体水平 ,获知易感人群的比例 ,了解流感毒株的变异幅度及流行趋势。方法 :1997年秋和 1998年春 2次共采集 954例军人血清 ,应用近 4年 8种国内及国际流感病毒代表株 ,以微量半加敏血凝抑制方法进行了抗体检测。结果 :军队人群中甲3亚型流感病毒抗体水平较高 ,A/山东 / 9/ 93(H3N2 )、A/汉防 / 359/ 95(H3N2 )抗体阳性率为 89%~77% ,抗体平均滴度 (GMT)最高达 58。该人群对近年来 4种不同甲1亚型毒株的抗体水平存在很大差异。A/桂防 / 10 / 94 (H1N1)抗体阳性率为 84 % (97秋 )和 89% (98春 ) ,GMT分别为 90和 134;最新国内代表株A/京防 / 53/ 97(H1N1)抗体阳性率明显偏低 ,为 18% (97秋 )和 30 % (98春 ) ,GMT分别为 2 5和 33。军队人群对乙型流感的抵抗力始终偏低 ,其B/京防 / 184 / 93、B/深防 / 12 / 97抗体阳性率为 4 1%~ 55% ,GMT为 2 7~ 35。结论 :该部队人群甲3亚型株抗体已达饱和水平 ,提示抗原可能会发生变异 ,在一些地区引起流感中度流行甚或出现新亚型而引起大规模流行。H1N1毒株可能在军营中引起局部流行 ,对此应加强预测预报工作。
Objective: To Survey the antibody level(AbL) of influenza in the army population, so as to obtain the ratio of hypersensitive crowds and to find out the variation range and epidemic trend of influenza virus.Methods:954 cases of sera were collected in the autumn of 1997 and the spring of 1998, and the influenza antibody were detected using minimum half sensitizing haemoglutinin inhibition assay(HIA) with 8 types of national and international strains in the past 4 years.Results:The study showed that the level of A 3 antibody was high in the army. The antibody positive rates (AbPR) of A/Shandong/9/93(H 3N 2) and A/Hanfang/359/95(H 3N 2) were 89% and 77% respectively, and the antibody average titer(GMT) was even up to 58. The AbLs of A 1 were greatly different in the crowds in recent several years. The AbPRs of A/Guifang/10/94(H 1N 1) were 84% and 89%, and the GMTs were 90 and 134 respectively. The AbPRs of the nearest national strain, A/Beijing/53/97(H 1N 1), declined obviously to 18% and 30%,and GMT 25 and 33 respectively. The resistance to B, B/Beijing/184/93 and B/Shenzhen/12/97, were always low. The AbPRs were 41% and 55%, GMT 27 and 35 respectively.Conclusion: The level of crowd antibody against A 3 had been satiated. Therefore the antigen might develope mutations and would cause a medium prevalence. Even it would change into a new subtype that would provoke a pandemic prevalence. H 1N 1 strain would arouse a local outbreak. Thus it would be very important to forecast and predict the epidemic trend of influenza.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army
总后勤部"九五"课题!资助项目 (95 -A0 11)
army crowd, influenza virus, detection of antibody