观察不同剂量的新斯的明复合利多卡因硬膜外注射术后镇痛的效果和副作用。方法 40例行子宫全切术的病人随机分为四组(n=10)双盲对照前瞻性研究。术前药0.2mg/kg安定;2%利多卡因连续硬膜外麻醉。于缝皮后随机给与利多卡因(90mg)复合生理盐水(对照组)或复合新斯的明1、2、4ug/kg(观察组)。用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)估计术后镇痛效果。结果四组病人的一般情况和术中状况无差异。首次痛觉恢复时的VAS和副作用发生率相似。结论硬膜外新斯的明(1、2、4ug/kg)复合利多卡因可产生剂量依赖的镇痛效果而副作用较少。
Objective The current study was to define the analgesic effectiveness of epidural neostigmine coadmini stered with lidocaine
and side effects in patients after total hysterectomy procedures. Methods Fourty patients ( n = 10) undergoing total hysterectomy procedures were randomly allocated to one of four groups and studied in a prospective way . After 0. 2mg/kg intravenous diazepam, all patients were received epidural ane sthesia with 2 % lidocaine. After finished suture skin, Patients were randomized to received epidurallido - caine (90mg) with saline (control group), 1, 2, 4ug/kg neostigmine. Postopera - lively, pain was assessed using the visual analog scale. Results Groups were demographic ally the same and die not differ in intraoperative characteristics. The visual analog scale score at first rescue analgesia and the incidence of adverse effects were similar amoung groups. Conclusion Fpidural neo stigmine with lidocaine produced a dose independent analgesic effect compared to the control group, and a reductiin in postoperative rescue analgesic consumption without increasing the incidence of adverse effects.
Bulletin of Medical Research
Neostigmine Epidural anesthesia Lidocaine Postoperative pain relief