
发动机燃用生物柴油的颗粒可溶有机组分及多环芳烃排放 被引量:13

Soluble Organic Fraction and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Particulate Matter Emissions from Diesel Engine with Biodiesel Fuel
摘要 以一台车用柴油机为样机,研究发动机燃用生物柴油的常规排放,重点探讨其颗粒(Particulate matter,PM)、可溶有机组分(Soluble organic fraction,SOF)及多环芳烃(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)的排放特性。所用燃油分别为柴油、生物柴油掺混配比为10%的B10燃油。结果表明,与柴油相比,该车用柴油机燃用B10燃油后颗粒、SOF和PAHs的质量排放均有所降低;NOx排放略有增加,HC和CO排放有所下降。B10燃油燃烧的颗粒SOF中醇类、酮类、醚类质量分数下降;脂类、酸类、醛类质量分数上升。在检测到的12种PAHs中,B10燃油有10种质量排放减少,尤其是苯并(a)芘等高环数致癌性的PAHs降幅明显,这表明发动机燃用生物柴油后,排气颗粒的化学成分毒性有所降低。 Regulated emissions in the exhaust from a diesel engine with biodiesel fuel are studied,and the emission characteristics of particulate matter(PM),soluble organic fraction(SOF) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) emissions in PM are highlighted.In the experiment,pure diesel fuel and B10(10% biodiesel blend with diesel fuel) fuel are chosen.Compared to pure diesel,the emissions of PM,SOF and PAHs of the diesel engine decrease when the engine burns B10 fuel,and the NOx emission is slightly increases,while the HC and CO emissions also decline.Besides,the relative proportions of Alcohols,Ketones and Ethers in the SOF emission of the engine with B10 are reduced.The relative proportions of Esters,Acids and Aldehydes ascend.Among the detected 12 kinds of PAHs,emission concentrations of 10 kinds of PAHs of the engine with B10 descend.Especially Benzo(a)pyrene and some other carcinogenicity PAHs,the decrease of B10 is distinct compared to pure diesel.The result indicates that the chemical toxicity of exhaust PM decreases when the diesel engine uses biodiesel fuel.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期115-121,共7页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(50906062) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划 2008AA11A169)资助项目
关键词 柴油机 生物柴油 排放 颗粒 可溶有机组分 多环芳烃 Diesel engine Biodiesel Emission Particulate matter Soluble organic fraction(SOF) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)
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