目的:调查了解江苏省某农村地区人源与猪源戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)的相关性。方法:应用逆转录-巢式聚合酶链法(RT-PCR)对同一地区内一般人群中HEV IgM阳性者、急性戊型肝炎患者血标本和生猪胆囊标本进行HEV RNA检测,并对HEV RNA阳性标本进行克隆测序和序列分析。结果:一般人群中检出的HEV基因1、4型比例相近,临床散发性戊肝病例绝大部分为HEV-4型病毒感染所致(95.24%);生猪胆汁标本PCR阳性率为12.11%,猪源HEV基因分型均为HEV-4型;分离于人和生猪的HEV-4型病毒高度同源,同源性81%~97%。结论:该地区人群HEV基因分型以HEV-4型为优势毒株;猪源HEV均为基因4型;人源和猪源的HEV-4型病毒高度同源,猪是当地HEV主要宿主动物之一。
Objective:To explore the correlation between swine and human hepatitis E virus(HEV) in Jiangsu province.Methods:Specimens collected from HEV-IgM positive people of the general population,patients with acute hepatitis E and cholecyst from swine in the same area,were detected for HEV RNA by nested reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR).HEV-positive samples were further analyzed by direct nucleotide sequencing.Results:Among the HEV IgM carriers,8 positive cases were identified,and the subtype of HEV were type 1 and type 4.The majority cases of clinical sporadic HEV were type 4(95.24%).The HEV-positive rate of swine bile samples was 12.11%,and the virus genotype was type 4.The type 4 HEV of human and swine showed a high degree of homology(81%~97%).Conclusion:Both HEV-1 and HEV-4 were found in human in this area with the dominant type of HEV-4.All the swine HEV-positive samples showed HEV-4 genotype.The HEV-4 of human and swine in the Dongtai area showed a high degree of homology.These findings suggest that swine may be one of the main hosts of HEV in this region.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)