
复合材料厚壁圆筒的损伤问题 被引量:5

Failure Analysis of Thick Wall Tube of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite
摘要 基于连续介质损伤力学理论,引入表征材料内部微细缺陷的损伤变量,导出了三维复合材料厚壁圆筒的损伤模型,预测该结构内各处的损伤过程;针对不同损伤模式,推导出包含不同结合力和损伤变量的损伤扩展准则;利用三维有限元分析软件模拟计算出结构损伤破坏的全过程,分析了复合材料圆筒的损伤模式与破坏机理,以及能量变化关系。 Based on the CDM theory,damage models are proposed to predict the progressive failure properties of thick-wall tube of the steel-carbon fiber/epoxy composite.Internal damage variables were introduced in order to quantify damage concentration associated with each possible failure mode during the damage process.A 3D finite element technique is adopted to perform the progressive failure analysis.The material model has been implemented into ABAQUS explicit finite element code within solid elements and the computed result has proven to be capable of reproducing experimental results with good accuracy in terms of static responses,energy dissipation and extent of damage.This work provides a progressive understanding of the damage initiation and propagation behaviors of composite laminated cylindrical structures above.
出处 《材料科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期256-261,290,共7页 Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
关键词 复合材料圆筒 损伤模型 破坏准则 有限元分析 数值计算 composite tube failure model damage criterion finite element analysis numerical calculation
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