

The Development of Verb Morphology in the Advanced Learner Variety: A Longitudinal Study of L2 French
摘要 本文对基于两年的历时研究数据进行定量分析,研究了在国外长期学习的高水平学习者对作为第二语言的法语的动词形态的习得情况。本文探讨了学习者之间的差别,以及社会语言学变量的影响。 This article presents a longitudinal profile of the advanced learner's use of verb morphology in L2 French, with the aim of tracking how such usage evolves within the advanced learner variety over a two-year period, as well as exploring how use of particular morphological forms relates to use of others. The forms are wide-ranging, and concern markers of past time, futurity, conditionality, reverse-order, as well as the subjunctive and 3rd person plural present tense irregular forms which are deemed to constitute "fragile zones" in the advanced learner variety. Results are presented in quantitative terms which allow frequently used forms to be identified against less frequent forms as the study progresses. The effect for naturalistic exposure through study abroad as opposed to regular classroom instruction is explored in terms of the effect of such differential exposure conditions on the emergence and use of the various forms concerned. Findings point to the complexity of morphological development in the advanced learner, whereby development is neither linear nor uniform across the morphological forms, while there is also considerable individual variation between learners. Results are discussed in relation to the advanced learner's acquisitional profile.
作者 Martin HOWARD
机构地区 科克大学
出处 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2012年第2期153-174,256,共23页 中国应用语言学(英文)
关键词 在国外学习 社会语言能力 作为第二语言的法语 study abroad sociolinguistic competence L2 French
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