A polycrystalline Cu of 99.995% purity has been deformed by dynamic plastic deformation at liquid nitrogen temperature to a strain of 2.1 (LNT-DPD Cu). Three distinct regions that are dominated by dislocation slip, shear banding and nanotwinning, form a multi-component nanostructure. The microstructure of each region has been quantified by transmission electron microscopy assisted by Kikuchi line analysis. Based on the structural parameters the stored energy of each region was evaluated, and the total energy can be assumed to be a linear additivity of that in each region weighted by the respective volume fraction. A microstructure based evaluation of the stored energy of multi-component nanostructure has been proposed.
A polycrystalline Cu of 99.995% purity has been deformed by dynamic plastic deformation at liquid nitrogen temperature to a strain of 2.1 (LNT-DPD Cu). Three distinct regions that are dominated by dislocation slip, shear banding and nanotwinning, form a multi-component nanostructure. The microstructure of each region has been quantified by transmission electron microscopy assisted by Kikuchi line analysis. Based on the structural parameters the stored energy of each region was evaluated, and the total energy can be assumed to be a linear additivity of that in each region weighted by the respective volume fraction. A microstructure based evaluation of the stored energy of multi-component nanostructure has been proposed.
the Danish National Research Foundation
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50911130230)
The project was sponsored by MOST international S&Tproject (2010DFB54010)SRF for ROCS, SEM
the Young Merit Scholar of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science, China