主体性可以表现为不同程度。大自然具有高于人类的主体性 ,从而具有更高的价值和权利。人类中心主义与非人类中心主义争论的实质不在自然有没有内在价值 ,而在自然有没有高于人类的主体性。人类中心主义认为人类作为最高的主体可无限接近于对自然奥秘的完全把握 。
According to anthropocentrism, only human being has its subjectivity, while all non human beings have no subjectivity, therefore they have no values and rights either. Actually subjectivity is relative, and the question of subjectivity is a question of degree, i.e., different being has different degree of subjectivity. Subjectivity can not be understood only as human consciousness. Nature in sense of ontology has the supreme subjectivity. Human subjectivity is not higher than that of Nature, but higher than that of non human beings in the earth. Non human beings have also their subjectivity, therefore they have also their values and rights.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University