中国现存的古代游记为数众多 ,但是除十数种著名者之外 ,绝大部分并不大为地理学界所注意。从一些具体例证的分析结果来看 ,中国古代的非知名游记中 ,不但蕴藏着很多有价值的自然地理学资料 ,而且也包含着不少重要的人文地理学内容。因此 ,包括非知名游记在内的所有中国古代游记都是研究历史地理和地理学思想史的最为可靠的和极为重要的材料 。
The extant ancient travel notes come up to a large number in China. Except for over 10 notes known widely, the geographers did not pay attention to most of them. Judging from some examples, the unknown notes contain a lot of materials of human geography as well as physical geography. Therefore, all the notes, including the well known and the unknown, are most reliable and important for researching some questions of the historical geography and the geographical history. With this reason, the geographers should take notice of the unknown notes.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University