某移动公司采用的GSM BSC近期大规模由旧版BSC 6000升级至BSC 6900,升级版带来许多应用功能上的更新,从GSM无线网络全网变频方面简要阐述了新版BSC 6900及最新推出的网规网优软件GSM基站系统配置管理快车(CME*,Configuration Management Express)所具有的新应用功能,分析了使用CME基于新版BSC 6900实施GSM全网变频相对于旧版BSC 6000所具备的新特性,利用3.2版本的Tems小区规划软件(TCP3.2,Tems CellPlanner3.2)和CME分别实施算频和变频,提出解决所遇工程问题的处理方法,为准备实施GSM全网变频的工程人员提供参考。
GSM BSC adopted by certain branch of China Mobile is now upgraded in a big way from old-version BSC6000 to BSC6900,thus bringing the update of many applications functions.From the implementation of GSM network frequency optimization,this paper briefly describes new features of new BSC6900,including the network planning and optimization software CME(GBSS Configuration Management Express).Huawei’s BSC6900 implementation of GSM network frequency optimization is analyzed,and also compared with the old-version BSC6000.Ericsson Tems CellPlanner3.2 and Huawei CME are adopted respectively for implementing frequency optimization.The methods to solve these problems are proposed,thus to provide a reference for the implementation of Huawei GSM frequency optimization.
Communications Technology