严复的政治思想发展表现出明显的阶段性。早年留学英国 ,初步形成了资产阶级改良主义思想。维新变法时期 ,利用舆论工具积极宣传变法维新。戊戌变法失败后 ,思想趋于保守。辛亥革命后 ,其政治立场更为落后 ,不仅反对任何革命 ,就是其他变革也表示反对。其政治思想日趋落后的原因主要是他不能正确认识社会发展的形势 ,思想跟不上社会发展的速度 ,不能与时俱进 ,反映了资产阶级的局限性。
Yan Fu is a famous Chinese translator, thinker and educator. His political ideas show different features in different periods. During his years studying in England, he formed bourgeois reform ideas, but he became a conservative and even anti-revolutionary. The main reason why he could not keep pace with the social development is that he could not realize the situation of the society, which reflects the limitation of the bourgeoisie.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)