大革命失败后 ,中共中央秘密迁到上海 ,在白色恐怖中领导全党进行英勇斗争。在恶劣的环境里 ,为了保证党中央的安全及工作的顺利开展 ,成立了由周恩来直接领导的中央特科。在周恩来的领导下 ,特科工作取得了巨大成绩 ,周恩来也逐渐形成了他的关于秘密工作的一些原则和方法 ,这些原则和方法对以后我党秘密工作起了巨大的推动作用。
After the Great Revolution failed in 1927,the center of the CCP moved into Shanghai secretly,leading the party struggling against the Kuomintang bravely in horrible environment.The An ad hoc Committee of Security was founded under the direct leadership of ZHOU Enlai to defend the Center of the CCP .The committee got great achievement under the headed by ZHOU.At the same time,some principles and techniques of secure work were shaped little by little, which played an importment pole in the latter revolution.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)