本文运用叶圣陶语文教育理论 ,批驳了“把传播道德和文化作为语文教学的根本任务”的观点。认为语文教学“独当其任的任”是培养读、写、听、说等语文能力 ,使学生学会使用语文这个工具 ;传播道德和文化是各科的共同任务 ,语文诚然是这方面的有关学科 ,却不是唯一的学科 ,要求它“把精神训练的一切责任都担在自己肩膀上 ,实在是不必的。”
Adopting the education theory of Ye Shengtao, this paper criticizes the idea that the fundamental task of Chinese teaching is to spread morality and culture. It indicates that the basic task is to develop the ability of reading, writing, listening and speaking, so that students can make well use of Chinese. Spreading morality and culture is the task of all fields of study. Chinese is not the only field to fulfill the task. It is unnecessary to ask the Chinese teaching to shoulder all the responsibilities to spread culture.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)