:分析论述了丁玲早期小说中小资产阶级知识分子形象。第一部分以女性小资产阶级知识分子为主 ,主要论述了“五四”时期丁玲小说中小资产阶级知识分子思想的矛盾与困惑 ,以及她们身上呈现出的病态的心理特征 ;第二部分着重分析了丁玲在遭受生活的打击而转向左翼文学之后 ,其小说中浪漫蒂克式的革命知识分子形象 ,这些人已经摆脱了个人生活的小天地而走向社会 ,但又产生了外向与内向 ,即社会改造行为与自我需求的选择问题 ,以及二者不可调合的结局 ,使小说陷入了“革命 +恋爱”的流行体式中 ,显示出作家此时创作意识中政治功利性的增强 。
WT5”BZ]The images of the petty bourgeois intellectuals in DING Ling’s early novels are analyzed and described.In the first part of this paper the author studies the educated women of the petty bourgeois in term of their contradictions and puzzlement in thought and their morbid mind,because these intellectuals in the period of the May 4 Movement were the main characters in DING Ling’s works.In the second part of the paper images of romantic revolutionaries were depicted by DING Ling in her novels after she had suffered untold contribulations in her life and changed her political stand to the Left Wing Literature.The characters in her works had broken away from their own little world and plunged into society.But they were confronted with the problem of selection between“going inside or going outside”,that is,being engaged in social reform or self seeking.The uncompromising result of the conflict made her novels a stereotype of “revolution+love”,popular in that time,showing the increase of political utilitarianism and the decrease of the individual’s consciousness in the author’s conception.
Journal of Tianjin University:Social Sciences