偃师商城遗址为夏商分界线 ,是近来“夏商周断代工程”取得的共识。但“汤始居亳”在哪里 ?商汤从何处迁至西亳偃师商城 ,有各种说法。从考古和大量文献资料 ,以及地方史志考察 ,“汤始居亳”应在山西垣曲。垣曲商城遗址时间早于偃师商城、郑州商城。商“汤始居亳” ,“亳”的名称是因该城址位于亳清河岸 ,完成灭夏任务后 ,才迁西亳偃师商城 。
A common understunding has been reached in the chronological determination of Chinas first 3 dynasties,the Xia,the Shang,and the Zhou,that the ruins of the Shang town in Yanshi,Henan,marked the transition form Xia to Shang.But where did the Shang,or the Tang,people begin?Though opinions differ,lots of arheological finds,historical records and local annals point to the fact that the Shangs,or Tangs,should have begun in Yuanqu,Shanxi.The Yuanqu town dated earlier than the one in Yanshi,and another in Zhengzhou.The Tang people began to settle in Bo',Bo as the name of the town coming from the river of that time,which flowed by it.The Tangs moved to Yanshi only after they had exterminated Xia,and when they moved there,they expanded their capital,which was the town we unearthed in Zhengzhou.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
The tang people began to settle in Bo
the Shang town runis in Yanshi
the Shang town ruins in Zhengzhou
the Shang town ruins in Yuanqu
Ge Bo
Boqing River