关韬 (关亚杜 ,KuanA -To)是中国近代的第一位西医生和第一位西式军医 ,他出身于广东十三行 (The 13Hong ;ThirteenFactories)商业画家的世家 ,19世纪十三行的文化氛围对他一生有重大的影响。他的叔父关乔昌 (啉呱 )和关联昌 (庭呱 )是著名的广东商业画家 ,关乔昌在十三行建立画室 ,和来自欧美的外国人有着广泛的接触 ,他不断的追随着晚年旅居澳门的英国有名画家乔治·钱纳利的西洋画风格。在关乔昌的指引下 ,1837年关韬随美国第一位来华医药传教士伯驾 ,在十三行的眼科医局学习西医。后来他成为一位具有优良品格、有能力和乐于奉献的医生。
Guan Tao (Guan Yadu,Kuan A-To)is the first western style doctor and the first military western style doctor in the medical history of China.He was from the generations of the business painter in Shi San Hang (Thirteen Factories)of Guangzhou,in which the culture environment exerted a great influence on him .His uncle Guan Qiaochang(Lam Qua) and Guan lianchang (Tin Qua) were famous business painters of Guangdong in 19th century.Guan Qiaochang set up a workshop in Shi San Hang and had extensive contact with various foreigners from Europe and North America.He followed the western style of the paintings from George Chinney who was a famous painter of England,settled down in Macao for the rest of his life during this period.Under the guidance of Guan Qiaochang,Guan Tao studied western medicine under the instuctiom of Peter Parker, the first America medical missionary in China,at the Ophthalmic Hospital in Shi San Hang in 1837, Guan Tao Became a Westernstyle doctor with excellent character,skill and devotion.Chinese people remember his name forever.
Chinese Journal of Medical History
Modern China
The First Western style Doctor
Guan Tao