宫颈涂片的检查被认为是预防宫颈癌最有效的手段之一 ,但传统的手工筛查方法存在很大的应用局限——假阴性率过高 ,实现部分甚至全部检查自动化是解决这一问题的关键。本文综述了计算机自动识别宫颈阴道细胞涂片技术的提出和历史过程 ,详细阐述了代表目前研究最高水平的 Auto Pap和 Pap Net系统的工作原理及性能 ,并针对未来的发展提出改进意见。
Cervical smear screening for the presence of abnormality is widely recognized as one of the greatest successes in cervical cancer prevention.Nonetheless,manually screening cervical smears has serious limitations,as evidenced by its high false negative rate.An obvious solution to the problem of screening errors is the automation of some or all of the screening process.This paper reviews the development of computer assisted cervical(Pap)smears screening technology.AutoPap and PapNet System,as the represents of the highest research achievements recently,are discussed in detail on their principles and performance in screening conventional prepared smears.Some improvement suggestions are presented for the development in the future.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Biomedical Engineering Fascicle)