
就业形势的随机性决定体育表演专业发展的导向性 被引量:2

Employment Situation of the Random Decision to Sports Performance Oriented Professional Developments
摘要 通过对南京体育学院体育表演专业50名在校大学生进行问卷调查,分别从专业选择动机、专业发展满意度及未来就业意向三个方面进行调查分析。研究结果表明:体育表演专业学生的专业选择动机明确,体现出对专业发展的浓厚兴趣,并能够积极主动的履行专业自主学习,不断充实自我,提升个人价值。但高校办学条件是制约专业发展的主要因素之一,与此同时面临就业形势的严峻,大学生们均表现出强烈的紧迫感,并建议专业建设在立足于不断改善教学环境的基础上,更应该注重与未来就业形势的相得益彰,并表示应顺应时代发展积极投生继续学习、终身学习的大环境中。 50 professional sports performances students selected from Nanjing Institute of Physical Education con- ducted a questionnaire surveyfrom the professional motivation, professional development, job satisfaction and fu- ture intentions. The result shows that sports performance professional choice for students motivated, reflecting the interest of professional development, and to be proactive in discharging their professional self - study, to enrich themselves and enhance their value. However, the conditions of university education is a major constraining factor in professional development, while facing severe employment situation, the college students have shown a strong sense of urgency and suggested that professional development in teaching and learning environment based on con- tinuous improvement, and even focus on the employment situation and the future of each other, and that the times should be born to continue to develop a positive learning environment in lifelong learning.
作者 戈俊 王莉莉
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2012年第6期65-67,共3页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 就业形势 决定 体育表演 专业发展 employment situation decisions sport performance professional development
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