
论政府管制的反公地悲剧的复杂性 被引量:2

On the Complexity of the Tragedy of Anti-commons Caused by Government Regulation
摘要 政府管制造成的反公地悲剧比公地悲剧更为复杂:一是反公地悲剧可能看不见从而难以发现;二是腐败的存在将使反公地悲剧更难以克服和解决;三是政府管制既可能造成资源利用不足的反公地悲剧,也可能造成资源利用过度的悲剧,此时调整交易成本可能比整合产权更为重要。因此,政府在实施管制时要尽量避免制造出反公地悲剧。 The tragedy of anti-commons caused by government regulation is more complex than the tragedy of commons for three reasons.First,the tragedy of anti-commons may be invisible,therefore,hard to detect.Second,the existence of corruption makes such tragedy difficult to tackle.And thirdly,government regulation may lead to both underuse and overuse of resources,under this circumstance,it may be more appropriate to lower transaction cost than to delineate property rights.Due to the complexity of the tragedy of anti-commons,the best way to avoid the tragedy is not to create it.
作者 高洁
机构地区 湖北经济学院
出处 《湖北经济学院学报》 2012年第3期22-30,共9页 Journal of Hubei University of Economics
关键词 政府管制 反公地悲剧 资源利用 专利丛林 地下经济 government regulation the tragedy of anti-commons use of resources patent bush underground economy
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