
中国外交新的参与者:国有石油企业的角色与“组织化利益” 被引量:3

New Actor in Chinese Diplomacy:the Role and "Organized Interests" of State-owned Oil Enterprises
摘要 伴随着中国国家利益在海外经济与能源领域的扩展与延伸,能源领域国有企业在中国外交有关经济、能源、投资等海外利益决策中的影响力与日俱增,并日益成为中国外交新的参与者。本文即以中国三大国有石油企业在中国外交政策中的角色与利益为问题导向,通过引入"组织化利益"概念对国有石油企业与中国外交政策之间的特殊复杂关系进行探索。国有石油企业在与具体的国家利益代表机构发生联系时,需权衡类似国资委、发改委、国家能源委员会,以及外交部、商务部等涉外职能部委的利益需求,从而可能形成各种导向不同的"组织化利益"。 With the expansion and extension of China's national interests,state-owned enterprises' influences in foreign policy decision-making concerning oversea interests in economy,energy and investment have been increasing and they have become new actors in Chinese diplomacy.This paper will explore the role and interest of China's three major state-owned oil enterprises in Chinese foreign policy,and study the special and complicated relationship between and Chinese foreign policy through the concept of 'Organized Interest'.When state-owned oil enterprises interact with concrete representative agencies of national interest,they have to balance the interest demands of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council(SASAC),National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC),National Energy Bureau(NEB),and some functional departments relating to foreign affairs such as Ministry of Commerce(MC) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA).Thereby,they will possibly form various 'Organized Interests' with different orientations.
作者 李欣
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期40-45,80,共6页 International Forum
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