The goal of linked data is to enable client application to discover new data sources by following RDF links and to smoothly integrate data from those sources. R2R language is an RDF dataset mapping language developed by Free U- niversity of Berlin to address the issue that RDF links created by existing methods are extremely limited. R2R includes mapping properties such as r2r: prefixDefinitions, r2r: sourcePattem, r2r: targetPattem, r2r: transformation, r2r: mappin- gRef; R2R functions consists of string, list, arithmetic and XPath functions; vamame modifiers includes URI, literals, lan- guage, datatype modifiers; mapping metadata includes r2r: hasMapping, r2r: mapsTo, r2r: dependsOn, r2r: sourceDataset, r2r: targetDataset; R2R syntax follows grammatical structure of “Resource-Mapping Property-Literal Value of Triples” and Turtle grammar. This paper summarizes the framework and demonstrates the usage with typical examples. Finally, we com- pare R2R with RDF-oriented query language SPARQL, and it shows that R2R shows some degree of grammatical consisten- cy with SPARQL in supporting RDF representation, defining varnames and modifiers, expressing prefixes of namespaces, and stating varnames with blank nodes. On the other hand, there are differences between R2R and SPARQL in functionality and syntax. In conclusion, R2R language will be helpful in creating more RDF links from terms of vocabularies and linked datasets, and supporting integrated services of linked data. 2 figs. 7 tabs. 21 refs.
Journal of Library Science in China