Since the Tang dynasty,scholars have generally taken Yunmeng(云梦) in the pre-Qin state of Chu to be the name of a specific lake or hunting zone,although they have had different views on its exact location and area.But the author believes that originally,yǘnmèng was not a proper name but a general term in the Chu dialect of the ancient Xia(夏) or Chinese language;it referred to a body of water used for pleasure outings that was not large but had rich vegetation,and its original meaning was 'grassy marsh' or 'swamp grass.' This view is based on the fact that there were more than seven yǘnmèngs from the pre-Qin period to the Han and Jin dynasties,located in the Jianghan-Dongting Lake plain region north and south of the Yangtze River,the Three Gorges region and the Huang-Huai plain region north of the Huai River.In the Han dynasty,more than one region had a 'yǘnmèng official.' Besides,in the state(region) of Chu,people had explanations like 'a weedy lake is called yǘn(薮曰云 sǒu yǜe yǘn),''mèng(梦) means 'in the marsh'' and 'mèng means 'in the grass.'' The broad distribution of yǘnmèng and the deciphering of its true meaning not only enable us to better address the long-standing controversy over yǘnmèng,but also give us a better understanding of the natural environment of these regions in China's early history.
Historical Research