金融风险是市场经济的必然伴生物 ,无时无处不存在 ,而且存在形式错综复杂 ,变化多端。因此 ,我们在识别金融风险及预警金融危机时 ,必须全面地、系统地从风险的生成、传递、积累以致爆发的全过程着手 ,把金融风险的成因分析、定量监测、动态预测———危机预警 ,看成是一个统一的、动态的整体 ,从而形成一个包括上述三部分的金融风险监测系统。
Financial risk is an inevitable product of market economy.It reveals itself in various fields and is very complex in form.On the purpose of early warning and discerning,it is quite necessary that a riskmonitoring system be established,which must include the following three parts:analysing its contributing factors;fixed quantity monitoring;dynamic forecasting.
Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business