
美国的极地资源开发政策考察 被引量:10

A Study of U.S. Policy toward the Development of Polar Resources
摘要 在后《南极条约》时代,美国持续关注悬而未决的南极资源问题,强调在不破坏南极环境的情况下,自由开发南极资源的可能性。20世纪80年代,美国国内曾就是否设立南极资源开发制度发生激烈的争论。目前,南极的资源开发问题虽被冻结,但美国依然担心这一问题在未来仍将威胁南极条约体系的稳定性。同样,美国也通过了多个涉及北极主权和资源开发问题的政策和法律文件,并为资源开发做技术准备,以防在北极利益竞争中落后。但总的来看,美国越来越意识到开发极地资源与保护环境之间的矛盾,认为需防止因争夺资源而出现严重的国际争端。 In the post-Antarctic Treaty era,the United States has continued to follow the unresolved issues with Antarctic resources and emphasized the possibility of freely developing Antarctic resources as long as these activities do not harm Antarctic environment.In the 1980s,hot debate about whether an Antarctic resource development system should be established took place in the U.S.Presently,although resource development activities have been suspended in Antarctica,the U.S.is concerned that this issue may still pose a threat to the stability of Antarctic Treaty System in the future.Similarly,to prevent falling behind in the competition for Arctic interests,the U.S.has adopted several policy measures and legislations dealing with Arctic sovereignty and resource development issues and it has also been making technological preparations for resource development.Generally,the U.S.has increasingly realized the contradiction between the development polar resources and environmental protection and sees the necessity to prevent serious international discord caused by competition for polar resources.
作者 沈鹏
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期97-116,8-9,共20页 The Journal of International Studies
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