

Research and Design of RFID Middleware on Hierarchy
摘要 简单介绍了射频识别技术(RFID)中间件及其研究现状,在研究和分析了现存食品追溯系统的局限和不足的基础上,提出设计了分层的RFID中间件体系结构,将中间件模块分成三层,并进行了深入的分析,此分层的中间件模型屏蔽了不同设备的差异性,集中管理分布的读写器设备,并按照一定的协议规则对大量的冗余数据进行过滤筛除,并从中提取语义信息;提高了各个企业、不同厂家产品的兼容性,更有利于应用于食品追溯系统中;利用发布-订阅模型实现更加有效、实时的信息共享机制。 It briefly describes the radio-frequency identification technology (RFID) middleware and its current research, based on the study and analysis of the limitations and inadequacies of the existing food tracing system; it designs a layered RFID middleware architecture, and conducts an in-depth study. Layered middleware shields the differences of different devices, centralizes to manage distributed reader devices, according to a protocol rule to filter large amounts of the redundant data; and extract semantic information using publish-subscribe model for the more efficient, real-time information sharing mechanism.
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期171-176,共6页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
基金 国家自然科学基金(60971004) 用于科技馆的实时定位系统关键技术研究及应用示范项目(09511503400)资助课题
关键词 食品追溯 读写器 射频识别技术 中间件 过滤 food traceability reader radio-frequency identification technology middleware filtering
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