
自尊在高师生孤独感与生活满意度间的中介作用 被引量:2

The Mediating Effect of Normal University Student's Self-esteem on the Relationship between Loneliness and Life Satisfaction
摘要 目的考察高师生自尊、孤独感与生活满意度三者之间的关系。方法采用自尊量表、感情与社会孤独量表和生活满意度量表对328名高师生进行调查。结果①相关分析表明,自尊、孤独感与生活满意度两两显著相关(r=0.12-0.38,P〈0.05);②回归分析表明,自尊是影响生活满意度的不完全中介。Sobel检验表明,自尊的中介效应显著(Z=-3.85,P〈0.01)。结论中介效应检验表明,自尊在高师生孤独感与主观幸福感之间起部分中介作用。 Objective To explore the relationship between loneliness,self-esteem and life satisfaction of normal university students.Methods A total of 389 university students were measured by scales of emotional and social loneliness scale,self-esteem scale and life satisfaction scale.Results ①Bivariate correlation suggested that loneliness,self-esteem and life satisfaction correlated significantly with each other.②Regression analysis revealed self-esteem partially mediated the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction.The Sobel test suggested that the mediation effect of self-esteem was significant(Z=-3.85,P0.01).Conclusion Self-esteem played an intermediary role in the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction of normal university students.
作者 裴璐 赵晶晶
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2012年第4期611-612,共2页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 生活满意度 孤独感 自尊 中介效应 Subjective well-being Loneliness Self-esteem Mediating effect
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