
基于“工作—下属”二维模型的领导授权模式及其选择 被引量:1

A Research on Leader's Authority Style and its Choice Policy on the Basis of Two-dimensioned Analysis Model from Perspective of Job Importance & Subordinate's Ability
摘要 授权是领导者在管理实践中必备的一门重要艺术。本文在充分借鉴已有领导行为理论的基础上,通过综合运用逻辑推理、理论借鉴和实证等方法,确立工作性质和下属素质作为影响领导授权的两个关键变量,以此作为两个维度创建了"工作重要性—下属素质"二维模型,重点就如何运用该模型分析和确立授权模式。研究表明,领导授权并不存在具有普遍适用的模式,领导者应该根据工作性质与下属素质等不同环境因素选择有效授权方式。本文首次提出"合约授权"概念,并构建了领导授权二维模型及授权方格理论,进一步丰富和拓展了领导授权情景理论,为有效开展授权活动提供使有力的理论支持。 With enterprises' management right separation from ownership, there is always a principal-agent problem in modem management fields, therefore, it is necessary for leaders to know how to empower. It is well known that leader's empowerment is the most important part of all the activities of modern organization management and that effective authority is one of the most important skills for every leader, generally speaking, reasonable and effective power will not only be helpful to reach the organizational goal but also to develop organizational members, Although there is profound foundation for power delegation in management practice, empowerment function is always much neglected and even distorted in management and leadership situation, after further discussing, it is found that this is because managers or leaders couldn't realize the scientific laws of empowerment activity and also couldn't grasp the managerial skills for power delegation according to characters of empowerment and organizational environment. In reality, effective power delegation is essentially to establish harmonious relationship between the leaders and subordinate. Considering the character of "the significant characteristics" and "theoretical jungle" of management science, from then on, there have been much more discussion on the issues of leadership and its empowerment and reach much conclusions, and some of them that have had a great influence in such research fields are representative as the following: such as F. Fiedler's Contingency model of leadership, Robert House's Path-Goal Theory, V. H. Vroum & P. W. Yeton's Leader-participation model, Paul Hersey & Ken Blanchard's situational leadership theory and Heller & Wilpert's Influence-Continum and so on. Obviously, those relevant research contributions have put an emphases on environmental variable only from the perspective of either of job's importance or subordinate's ability and lead to the unilateral in research activity, therefore, it is necessary for us to develop an comprehensive research on the issues of leader's empowerment on the basis of integration and reference to the research contributions. Based on the existing leadership theories and by the ways of logical deduction, theoretical reference and positive verification, two key variables including job importance and subordinate's ability are thought to have a great intluence on leader's empowerment, which are further introduced to establish a two-dimensioned model that will be used to discuss some empowerment styles including rigidity authority style, flexible one, elastic one, contractual one, none-empowerment and their choice policy, this paper finally puts forward some authority models and choice policy, it proved that there is no general empowerment mode, and then leaders should choose effective power delegation model and provide suitable support and direction after taking full consideration into how to combining different task with organizational followers, meanwhile, this paper also provide us with three directional principles as following: reaching the organizational goal is precondition to determine whether empower or not, and then leaders should regard highly combining job importance and follower's ability, but the key is to evaluate the follower's quality correctly. In this paper, some contributions are made as follows: on one hand, the concept "contractual empowerment" is innovated and introduced, on the other hand, a two-dimensioned model of leader's empowerment that could enrich and develop situational theories has been established for the first time, at the same time, the relevant research conclusion will provide a profound foundation to leaders in order to promote effective empowerment .
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期87-95,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 领导授权 工作重要性 下属素质 “工作-下属”二维模型 授权模式 leader's empowerment job importance subordinate's ability two-dimensioned model
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