

Research on Mechanism of the Law of Trade-offs Based on Holographic Paradigm
摘要 基于运作管理研究的全息范式,分析权衡定律的机理,澄清运作战略中争论不休的关于权衡定律的若干重要问题。首先,区分了分别存在针对竞争要素与针对竞争能力的两种不同性质的权衡;其次,提出新的绩效前沿面理论,解释和预测针对静态竞争能力的一阶权衡关系,体现竞争集群内短期的竞争优势;第三,提出时间绩效前沿面理论,解释和预测针对动态竞争要素的二阶权衡关系,反映企业的改进能力及其可能存在的演化能力,体现企业在全行业内的持续竞争优势;最后,指出新的绩效前沿面理论与时间绩效前沿面理论合而不同的共同作用构成权衡定律的运作机理。 There has been a considerable debate among operations strategists concerning the concept of the trade-offs.On a duality time perspective,we analyzed the mechanism of the law of trade-offs based on the holographic paradigm.Our research made clarifications on some important issues pertaining to the trade-offs controversy.We proposed that(1) competitive priorities and cumulative capabilities are of two distinct types in operations strategy model,so,they need different kind of trade-offs models,respectively.(2)A new theory of performance frontiers is introduced to interpret and predict the first order trade-offs in connection with static competitive capabilities,which embody competitive advantages in a strategic groups.(3) The theory of time performance frontiers is introduced to interpret and predict the second order trade-offs in connection with dynamic competitive priorities,which reflect improvement capability or rare evolutionary capability and embody sustained competitive advantages in a industry.(4)The mechanism of the law of trade-offs is constituted by the interactions of the theory of performance frontiers and the theory of time performance frontiers that unite while keeping the differences.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期177-187,共11页 China Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(70332001) 国家自然科学基金项目(71071066)
关键词 全息范式 权衡定律 竞争能力 竞争要素 绩效前沿面理论 时间绩效前沿面理论 holographic paradigm law of trade-offs competitive priorities competitive capabilities theory of performance frontiers theory of time performance frontiers
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