
正交车铣加工切削力仿真分析 被引量:7

Simulation for Cutting Force of Orthogonal Turn-milling
摘要 针对正交车铣加工变深度、变厚度的切削特性,基于其加工原理采用数学方法建立切削力的理论模型,并在无偏心和偏心二种情况下分别仿真圆周刃和端面刃的切削力随铣刀转角的变化规律。通过切削参数对切削力影响规律的仿真结果分析表明,圆周刃在整个切削过程中起到主导作用;在相同切削参数条件下,随着进给量和偏心距的增大,切削力增大,而偏心切削力大于无偏心切削力。因此该切削力的理论模型为正交车铣加工机理的研究提供理论基础和参考依据。 Aimed at the characteristics of variable cutting depth and thickness in the orthogonal turn-mill- ing process, the theoretical model of cutting force is founded by using mathematic method based on the machining principle, and the change rules of cutting forces with the rotation angles of cutter were simula- ted in the conditions with and without eccentricity, respectively. The simulation results show that, with the increase of feed rate and eccentricity, the cutting force increases in the same cutting parameters and it is bigger in eccentricity than that in non-eccentricity. Therefore, the theoretical cutting force model pro- vides reference for the research on orthogonal turn-milling mechanism.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期419-424,共6页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51105072) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2011049507) 教育部博士点基金项目(20110042120019)
关键词 刀具技术 正交车铣 切削力 偏心 建模 cutting tool technology orthogonal turn-milling cutting force eccentricity modeling
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