Objective To investigate the expression of lipid rafts (LRs) and actin cytoskeleton (F-actin) in the peripheral blood B lymphocytes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were separated by Fieoll-Hypaque. B lymphoeytes were isolated by positive selection from PBMCs. Membrane staining for LRs was achieved with FITC-eonjugated cholera toxin B (CTB). The level and distribution of LRs were studied by flow eytometry and confoeal microscopy. Staining for F-actin was carried out with Rhodamine phalloidin. The expression of F-actin was analyzed by confocal microscopy. In an in vitro examination, the effect of Leflunomide on lipid rafts in B lymphocytes from SLE was analyzed. Disease carried out was measured using the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI). Analysis of the enumerical data was performed using ANOVA or paired-samples t test. Correlation was examined by Pearson's rank correlation test. Results The number of CTB-binding lipid rafts in B cell from active SLE patients or from SLE patients in disease remission who were treated with immunosuppressive drugs was higher than B cells from healthy controls [(59±4)%, (51±5)%, (33±4)%, F=9.21, P=0.0011. Confoeal microscopy revealed that in B cell from healthy controls, lipid raft was found to be small and uniformly distributed on the plasma membrane. F-actin was found mainly in the cortical region of the cells. This pattern was different from the pattern seen in B cells from patients with SLE, which presented with stronger staining and irregular large clustering of LRs, with a decrease in F-actin levets. In addition, the number of CTB-binding LRs in B cells from the active SLE patients was correlated significantly with the SLEDAI score (r=0.632, P=0.028). Furthermore, the in vitro results showed that leflunomide treatment reduced the number of CTB-binding LRs in B cell from SLE patients [ (48±5)% vs (39±5)%, t=2.29, P=-0.048 ]. Conclusion The altered expression of Lipid raft and F-actin can been seen in B lymphocytes in SLE, and modulation of LRs and F-actin expression may be a potential approach in the treatment of SLE.
Chinese Journal of Rheumatology