
汉语阅读中的心理词加工 被引量:8

The Processing of Psychological Word in Chinese Reading
摘要 通过两项研究考察了汉语阅读中心理词存在的心理现实性及其加工效率问题。研究1采用词切分任务考察语法知识掌握水平不同的读者词切分的差异,发现他们在词切分上存在很大分歧,语法知识越丰富,词切分差异越小。研究2探讨心理词的加工效率,使用阴影标记目标词,产生四种呈现条件:正常条件、词汇词条件、心理词条件和非词条件,结果发现心理词比词汇词、非词更容易加工。两项研究结果表明汉语阅读的基本信息单元更可能是心理词。 The research explored whether psychological word was psychologically real and the efficiency of psychological word processing. The first study explored the effect of grammar skill on Chinese word segmentation. The results showed that there were great inconsistencies between readers in parsing the sentences into words. Moreover, these discrepancies decreased as grammar skill increased. These results indicated that readers performed word segmenta- tion task by how they represented word which referred to psychological word. The second study explored the effi- ciency of psychological word processing. It used a highlighting manipulation to create four conditions: normal text, text with highlighting used to mark words, text with highlighting to mark psychological words, and text with high- lighting that yielded nonwords. The results showed that psychological words were more easily processed than ei- ther words or nonwords. The two studies indicated that psychological word was more likely to be the basic pri- mary unit of information in Chinese reading.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2012年第3期183-189,共7页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(10BYY029)的资助
关键词 汉语词切分 心理词 眼动 Chinese word segmentation, psychological word, eye movement.
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