
基于软件无线电的新型数字束流位置处理器 被引量:1

Development of digital beam position monitor based on software radio
摘要 研究了基于软件无线电架构的新型数字束流位置处理器,介绍了处理器样机的射频、模数转换和数字处理模块的硬件架构和主要参数。针对处理器多通道的不对称性,提出了校准方案。测试结果表明,处理器逐圈位置电子学分辨率在输入大于–30 dBm时,优于1.5μm;输入大于–27 dBm时,电子学分辨率达到亚微米量级。处理器在上海光源储存环流强为150 mA条件下测试,逐圈位置分辨率优于2μm,并能够准确获取包含束流实时信息的逐圈位置信号。 Digital beam position monitor processor is the key part of a beam position system.A BPM processor based on software radio is much better than traditional processors in terms of the resolution and flexibility.In this paper,we report technical specifications and design considerations of the digital beam position monitor developed at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility(SSRF).The turn-by-turn electronic resolution of the processor is better than 1.5 μm,when the input power is larger than –30 dBm,and the resolution is better than 2 μm in a test in the SSRF storage ring,with the beam current of over 150 mA.
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期346-351,共6页 Nuclear Techniques
基金 中国科学院百人计划择优支持项目"先进加速器全信息束流诊断技术研究" 国家自然科学基金(11075198)资助
关键词 束流位置测量 软件无线电 数字下变频 上海光源 Beam position monitor Software radio Digital down convertor SSRF
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